
The New York Adjustment Bureau (NYAB) offers a complete range of services covering all forms of residential and commercial losses. With over 35 years of experience, our staff of trained, cerified professionals are here to ease the emotional and financial burden a loss can cause. Our staff is well versed in all forms of property losses and can provide immediate support in times of crisis. Our service fee represents a small percentage of the claim settlement. This fee is typically offset by our ability to obtain a better settlement than you would be able to obtain on your own. In providing our Public Adjustment Services, if we fail to recover a settlement, there is no charge.

Our full array of services include:

  • Report the claim to your company
  • Serve as the official representation of the policy holder in presenting a claim to the insurance company
  • Securing emergency services (board up, cleaning services etc.)  immediately following a loss
  • Onsite inventory  estimate of all damaged personal property
  • Onsite structural estimate of all structurally damaged property
  • Photograph all damage to present as evidence
  • Reviewing, explaining, and answering all questions regarding your insurance policy
  • Fully documenting the claim on behalf of the insured and present the insurance company
  • Arranging temporary housing
  • Providing the insurance company with a detailed repair estimate
  • Reduce the hardship of having to handle the claim by yourself

·         Negoiating the best possible settlement provided by your policy